Frequently Asked Questions
What classes are offered at Logan Christian Academy?
Logan Christian Academy offers quality education to all students in our area. LCA offers classes from Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
Where are you located?
LCA's campus is located at 505 East 9th Street in Russellville, Kentucky, at Russellville Christian Church, with over 12,000 sq. ft. of space. LCA is excited to be centrally located within Russellville, KY at a convenient location for our parents!
What type of curriculum does Logan Christian Academy use?
LCA does not teach Common Core. LCA primarily uses ABEKA curriculum. Each teacher adds manipulatives and activities to include in their classroom. The use of manipulatives provides a way for children to learn concepts through developmentally appropriate hands-on experience. We want our classrooms to be fun & engaging at LCA!
Will there be testing?
LCA's Director of Education and each teacher will develop tests based on the material actually covered in each classroom. We will not be participating in Standardized Testing. We believe Standardized Testing forces teachers to teach to the test instead of being able to cover what the students actually need to learn. We prefer the "test to the teach" method. We do not want our students to fear tests and cram information that they will soon forget. We want each student to enjoy learning and commit what they learn to memory.
Does LCA require school uniforms?
LCA does not require school uniforms. There is a modest dress code and each rule is followed very strictly. You can read about our dress code policy here.
What does your school calendar look like?
LCA operates under its own school calendar but follows closely to the Logan County Schools' calendar. The school calendar for the 2022-2023 school year can be downloaded here.
What are your school day hours?
LCA begins the day with student drop-offs at 7:30 a.m. Students must arrive at school no later than 7:45 a.m. to be considered on time. Student dismissal and pickup begins promptly at 2:30 p.m.
Does Logan Christian Academy offer extra-curricular activities and electives?
LCA's extra-curricular offering vary year to year based on student interest and available teachers. Previous classes have included: Spanish, Sign Language, Band and Choral Music, BETA Club and Theatre Club. LCA is looking for parent sponsors for the Archery and clay pigeon shooting teams, for the 2022-2023 school year. For information on LCA's electives and extra-curricular activities or to volunteer to lead Archery or Target Shooting, contact Holly Bowman.
What are the tuition prices?
It is important to remember that LCA works with every family to assist in enrolling their child(ren) regardless of their financial situation. LCA offers Tuition Assistance and as donations are made to the scholarship fund, Scholarships are available as well. The kindergarten tuition is $350 per month, 1st Grade through 4th Grade tuition is $440 per month, and 5th Grade through 12th Grade tuition is $490 per month. LCA offers Annual, Semi-Annual, Monthly and Bi-Weekly payment schedules. Paying Annually or Semi-Annually will save parents near $200-$300 versus the Monthly payment option. LCA has worked hard to provide a quality education for our students at the lowest price possible. LCA accepts checks and parents can enroll in the Electronic Withdrawal option and have their tuition payment debited directly from their checking account on the due date. All checks should be made payable to Logan Christian Academy, or LCA. You can read more about enrollment on our admissions page.
Are there any other fees besides tuition?
​There are two annual fees in addition to monthly tuition. The Enrollment Application fee is $150 per application, with discounts for families with multiple children. This will cover application processing, paperwork, and the family interviews with LCA directors and the child's teacher. The School Fee is $250 and covers the student's ID badge, curriculum and technology in the classroom, and classroom supplies. Each student may receive a small personal supplies list for items such as folders, a lunchbox, a water bottle and a backpack for your child. Most everything your child will need in the classroom will be supplied by the school, by way of the annual School Fee.
​​​Who runs LCA?
​LCA is managed by Robyn Crider, who serves as the Director of Operations and Holly Bowman, who serves as the Director of Education and Administration. LCA is neither funded nor founded by any group, church, or religious organization. LCA receives no outside funding or taxpayer dollars. LCA is operated solely through the payments of annual fees and tuition, donations, and fundraising events.
Is LCA Accredited?
LCA is nationally recognized by the NAICS and the U.S. Department of Education. LCA is not actively working toward applying for accreditation. A school must be able to show a history of academics before it may apply. State and Federal laws do not require that a private school have accreditation, but it is the desire of LCA's Directors and Board Members that this school is accredited at some point, when it is financially feasible to do so. LCA is required to and does maintain attendance and performance records for each student. LCA is required and does report the attendance of each student to the local public school system. LCA does and is also required to maintain student records at all times, for possible audit by the state. LCA accreditation is not required in order for your child to enroll in higher education. If your child receives a diploma of graduation from LCA prior to our school's accreditation, the institution to which your child applied may request a proficiency test upon enrollment. Most institutions will admit a graduate from a non-accredited school without issue or testing.
Is tuition tax-deductible?
Tuition and school fees are NOT tax-deductible, as they are not donations. Any donations made to the Friends of Logan Christian Academy, our parent-teacher organization, are tax-deductible and you will receive a donation receipt from FLCA.
​​Have questions that are not listed here? Contact the school office at 270-946-1316
or email us at Find us on Facebook!